Quick food post! I'm sure there will be many of these to follow because Fukuoka is a notoriously delicious city.
Friday was the 31st of July, so double cones were 31% off at Baskin Robbins (called 31 here). It was hard to choose, but I decided upon the flavor of the month, "Tea and Scones." It's black tea flavored, with chunks of actual scones and strawberry jam throughout. Really, REALLY good.

Today I did a fair amount of walking around (though still mostly in Tenjin, the center of downtown), so I treated myself to my first bowl of ramen in Fukuoka. Well, ramen and a half-gyoza set. Someone at the goodbye party last night told me about Kurume, where the thick, white tonkotsu ramen originated. I looked up the small chain they recommended, Kurume Taiho Ramen, which is only about 15 minutes away from my hotel on foot. Well, as another blogger once said, Kurume Taiho~ly sh*t! For 780 yen I was able to enjoy what is probably the best tonkotsu ramen I have ever had. Plus, I managed to only get the tiniest oil spot on my shirt, despite some intense slurping action. I am very proud.
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