Boys and girls running around with kegs strapped to their backs serving beer and chuhai!

This sticker is actually referring to the Climax Series, which is kind of like the Japanese equivalent of the World Series. However, I don't think the Japanese realize how funny this sticker is.

Japanese baseball! A weird feeling being indoors.

SMAP tells you to buy a Softbank phone. You must obey.

No, not gigantic yellow sperm. Screaming jet balloons!

My jet balloon <3

Hawks victory!!

I love Fukuoka.

Study abroad pal performing at Sunset Live!

Big Brass Band- nuts!

Big Brass Band's lovely dancers.

Lovely hot day at the beach!

Got a bit cloudy, but still wonderful fun!

People went nuts for the last performance! I thought they were totally weird- a mixture of ska/jazz/rock...

Hojoya at Hakozaki Shrine. One whole kilometer of food/game stalls!

Hiroshima-style okonomiyaki! Delicious, but I have to admit I prefer Osaka-style...

A kebab, by which I was somewhat underwhelmed since Japanese people had made it.

GORGEOUS candied grapes. A LOT harder to eat than you would think. I don't think my teeth have ever stuck together so badly.

Iced cucumbers being gently bathed in seaweed brine.

Vegetable juice-flavored kit-kat. DO NOT recommend.

6 a.m. in Shinsaibashi, Osaka after a long night of dancing!

The oh-so-familiar slope up to HOME SWEET HOME

With Tanaka-san at Nanzenji (I look disgusting because it was still summer in Kyoto and I was sweating like a horse)

"God passing over Kyoto." Taken from the Tahoto of Eikando along the Philosophers' Path.

I had a wonderful trip, but it was great to come home! How can I not love Fukuoka- BEST AIRPORT CODE IN THE ENTIRE WORLD. END OF STORY.

Rain over Tenjin. Damn, I love Fukuoka.

A pretty day in Saga!!
Ok I am now caught up in terms of photos! Text updates to come... at some point...
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