Wow, what a beautiful city. Mountains and water- it really reminded me of SanFran or Seattle, in a way. Didn't hurt that we had a gorgeous day! Onto the picture-by-picture narration...

Pretty rural scenery in Saga Prefecture

Ooooh mountains of Nagasaki Prefecture in the distance

Welcome to Nagasaki!!!!!

Adorable street cars. They came every three minutes- super convenient!

Hahahaha. This is how they used to perceive westerners.

Miffy at the
Dejima Factory historical site whatsit. I didn't know Miffy was Dutch...

I LOVE the avocado-green of these shutters.

This church on Dejima is actually pretty old.

Layout of the island. Not that big really. Can be walked end-to-end in about 5 minutes. The only Dutchman who actually got to live on the island was the ship captain. Apparently all the crew had to live on their ship in Nagasaki Harbor O_o

Replica of Dejima. I love these kinds of miniatures.

Another view of the replica with the lovely autumn colors in the background.

One of the original buildings (storage?)
NAGASAKI CHAMPON at Shikairo, where it was invented in mid-Meiji

Urgh it was gigantic. I couldn't quite finish it. (I left some of the squid since it was pretty chewy)

View of the beautiful city from the restaurant

Shikairo, aka the Great Hall of Champon (not really)

Adorable children's library on the way up to Oura Church
Oura Church, which is supposedly the oldest church in Japan. There was also a Divinity School in back.

Beautiful fall colors seen from the steps of the church, with the hills across the harbor in the distance.

Cute couple getting married. The bride was wearing 5-inch platform shoes and her dress looked like a wedding cake. But at least they look happy!

Yes, my friends, the site of the first bowling alley in Japan. Ever.

The harbor as seen from the ferry, departing for
Ioujima (onsennnnnn!)

Katie with the surprising random olive orchard (they sold ridiculously expensive local olive oil at the resort)
Overall, a really fun (exploring), relaxing (in the hot spring), tasty (champon) Nagasaki adventure! I hope to visit again many times.
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