I went to Tokyo for a 2-day workshop in the middle of July, and although I didn't take a lot of pictures, I got a few interesting ones.
Tough decision: Burger King, or Ghetto Happy Dining? (what's the difference?)

My relatively expensive Koala cake at a maid cafe. If you want to read about maid cafes, click HERE. We also learned a cute song with hand gestures that supposedly made our iced tea 100 times tastier than normal.
Tacky but useful in Akihabara, the electronics district in Tokyo.

My 2nd trip to Beer Garden Yebisu (in the posh Ebisu district).
The museum is not nearly as fun or interesting as I remember, and they no longer offer a sampler of their beers, which bummed me out majorly.
Asakusa, in the rain, on our way to our $30 capsule hotel. I can't remember if this golden thing is supposed to be a root vegetable or a piece of poo (no kidding).
Behold, my capsule!

This is what a capsule hotel looks like. For just sleeping, it's highly economical, and with the all-girls' floor, it feels safe and comfy too.
Simple but effective.

Good night and farewell Tokyo.
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